About Me

I'm a software engineer that has always been passionate about programming and the technology that runs our modern world. I graduated in 2018 from Binghamton University with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, and in 2020 from App Academy.

I was at obé Fitness as a Senior Software Engineer, working full stack & responsible for a multitude of features & initiatives across the Next.js & Rails apps. Afterwords I was most recently at Reforge as a Software Engineer, again working full stack & responsible for several different projects to grow & scale the business from both a feature-set & infrastructure perspective.

I am proficient in React, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, TypeScript, GraphQL, Python, Redux, Java, and many other tools & technologies. I've also developed several different personal projects, ranging from a superhero-themed Netflix clone made using React/Redux and Ruby on Rails, to an NBA Stats visualizer app made using D3 & vanilla JavaScript.

In my free time, if I'm not working or programming on a side project, I enjoy watching movies, shows, and playing games. I am also an avid baseball and basketball fan, so following and attending games is also one of my favorite pastimes!

Check out my resume!




Software Engineer
Sep 2022 - Apr 2023
  • Led initiatives to optimize our server HTTP & GraphQL requests to increase p95 latency performance by over 50% during heavy traffic load
  • Served as tech lead to bring a new Teams-based MVP to the platform to help drive enterprise membership retention
  • Collaborated with a pod of 7 colleagues in an Agile methodology to implement & release an in-product Slack alternative, which in turn helped increase cohort engagement metrics by over 33%

obé Fitness

Brooklyn, NY

Senior Software Engineer
Dec 2021 - Aug 2022
  • Restructured the data modeling for our Rails & Postgres systems to increase time-to-load on the Next.js app by 30%
  • Integrated new experimentation vendor, Split, on both the Next.js & Rails apps of our platform to allow the business to conduct legitimate A/B tests & feature-flagged experiments
  • Mentoring junior engineers during feature-planning & pair programming sessions by providing guidance & advice on obé's various technologies, systems, architecture best-practices and codebase etiquettes
  • Served as a hiring manager by vetting candidates for various engineering roles & conducting numerous behavioral & technical interviews of candidates on a weekly basis
Software Engineer
May 2020 - Dec 2021
  • Constructed new filtering API for our fitness classes that leveraged our Sanity.io CMS to increase filter search times by 75%
  • Introduced versioning to our REST API in order to better scale the API as the platform & services continued to grow
  • Leveraged Stripe API to introduce new Guest Pass feature to platform, where users receive dollar credits for referrals in a secure & transactional manner
  • Designed robust & reusable React components for DRYness in our Next.js app & speeding up development time for features


Check out some of my work!


A Netflix clone made specifically for comic-book movie/show lovers and superhero lovers. Like Netflix, Superflix allows you to stream videos (trailers for movies and shows) at any time you please, as well search for what you want to watch and have your own watchlist!

NBA Stat Race

An NBA stats visualizer to plot the route a given stat took over the course of a given season for the selected players, leading up to the "winner" in that stat by season's end. As a fan, you too can now follow along a player as they try to beat out their colleagues in a stat race.


UpNext is a one-stop-shop app that allows you to both log movies that you are interested in and then automatically get provided with recommendations based on these interests. No longer will you have to waste time on Google searching for what's next, because we'll show you what's UpNext!

Tools of the Trade

Reach Out!

Thanks for your time! Feel free to get in touch with me with opportunities, to discuss any of my work, or to just have a good old conversation about web development or technology!
